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Monday, July 14, 2014

Another Update (this is Robin)

So, I went in for some blood work today, and talked with the nurse about one of the side effects I'm having from the Estradiol.  HEADACHES.  CONSTANT.  ANNOYING.  They're pressure headaches with a dull ache, and then it messes with my vision.  IT STINKS!  It's particularly bad because I work from home on a computer, and that just magnifies the problem.  The nurse said they're hormonal headaches and that the side effect is very common and that Tylenol will be my best friend.  I've been on the Estradiol a week, and the very next day I could feel it.

I also got a phone call earlier this evening that they have to UP my dosage of Estradiol from .15ml to.2ml.  I'm assuming that's just going to make this worse.  That said, I'm a pretty tough cookie and I've had worse pain in my life.  I know to drink lots of water, get adequate rest, and take medication before I even FEEL the headaches coming on.  They're pretty constant, so it's not going to hurt me to just to take the Tylenol beforehand.  I go in on Thursday for an ultrasound to check my lining, and I'm assuming they'll make more adjustments to medication IF needed.  I'm hopeful that everything will look great.

Anyway--that's what's going on!!


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